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Topical agents or dressings for pain in venous leg ulcers.




Background: Venous leg ulcers affect up to 1% of people at some time in their lives and are often painful. The main treatments are compression bandages and dressings. Topical treatments to reduce pain during and between dressing changes are sometimes used. Objectives: To determine the effects of topical agents or dressings for pain in venous leg ulcers. Search methods: For this third update the following databases were searched: Cochrane Wounds Group Specialised Register (searched 9 May 2012); The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2012, Issue 4); Ovid MEDLINE (2009 to April Week 4 2012); Ovid MEDLINE (In-Process Other Non-Indexed Citations May 08, 2012); Ovid EMBASE (2009 to 2012 Week 18); and EBSCO CINAHL (2009 to May 2 2012). No date or language restrictions were applied. Selection criteria: Published or unpublished randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that evaluated the effects of topical agents or dressing for the treatment of pain in venous ulcers were included. Data collection and analysis: Two review authors independently performed trial selection, data extraction and risk of bias assessment. Main results: Six trials (343 participants) evaluated Eutectic Mixture of Local Anaesthetics (EMLA): lidocaine-prilocaine cream for the pain associated with ulcer debridement. The between-group difference in pain measured on a 100 mm scale was statistically significant in favour of EMLA (MD -20.65, 95% CI -12.19 to -29.11). No significant between-group differences in burning or itching were observed. Two trials (470 participants with venous leg ulcers) evaluated ibuprofen slow-release foam dressings for persistent venous leg ulcer pain. Compared with local best practice, significantly more participants in the ibuprofen dressing group achieved the outcome of >50% of the total maximum pain relief score between day 1 and day 5 than participants in the local best practice group (RR 1.63, 95% CI 1.24 to 2.15). The number needed to treat was 6 (95% CI 4 to 12). In the second trial, compared with an identical non-ibuprofen foam dressing, there was no statistically significant difference in the proportion of participants experiencing slight to complete pain relief on the first evening of treatment.Limited data were available to assess healing rates or adverse events. Authors' conclusions: There is some evidence to suggest that ibuprofen dressings may offer pain relief to people with painful venous leg ulcers. EMLA (5 appears to provide effective pain relief during the debridement of venous leg ulcers. Further research should consider standardised pain assessment methods and assess both the effect on ulcer healing and the impact of long term use of these treatments.
机译:背景:下肢静脉溃疡一生中有时会影响多达1%的人,并且通常很痛苦。主要治疗方法是加压绷带和敷料。有时使用局部治疗以减轻换药期间和换药之间的疼痛。目的:确定外用制剂或敷料对腿部静脉溃疡的疼痛作用。搜索方法:对于第三次更新,搜索了以下数据库:Cochrane Wounds Group Specialized Register(2012年5月9日搜索); 《 Cochrane对照试验中央注册簿》(中央)(《 Cochrane图书馆》 2012年第4期); Ovid MEDLINE(2009年至2012年4月4日); Ovid MEDLINE(进行中的其他非索引引文,2012年5月8日); Ovid EMBASE(2009年至2012年第18周);和EBSCO CINAHL(2009年至2012年5月2日)。没有日期或语言限制。选择标准:包括已发表或未发表的评估局部用药或敷料治疗静脉溃疡疼痛的随机对照试验(RCT)。数据收集和分析:两位评价作者独立进行试验选择,数据提取和偏倚评估风险。主要结果:六项试验(343名参与者)评估了局部麻醉剂的共晶混合物(EMLA):利多卡因-普罗卡因乳膏与溃疡清创相关的疼痛。在100毫米范围内测量的组间疼痛差异在统计学上显着,有利于EMLA(MD -20.65,95%CI -12.19至-29.11)。没有观察到明显的组间燃烧或瘙痒差异。两项试验(470名静脉曲张溃疡患者)评估了布洛芬缓释泡沫敷料对持续性静脉曲张溃疡疼痛的影响。与当地的最佳实践相比,布洛芬敷料组在第1天至第5天之间达到最大最大缓解疼痛分数的> 50%的结果要多于当地的最佳实践组(RR 1.63,95%CI 1.24)至2.15)。需要治疗的人数为6(95%CI为4至12)。在第二项试验中,与相同的非布洛芬泡沫敷料相比,在治疗的第一天晚上经历轻微或完全缓解疼痛的受试者比例没有统计学上的显着差异。有限的数据可用于评估治愈率或不良事件。作者的结论:有证据表明,布洛芬敷料可以缓解静脉曲张性溃疡患者的疼痛。 EMLA(5似乎可以在清除腿部静脉溃疡的清创过程中提供有效的疼痛缓解。进一步的研究应考虑标准化的疼痛评估方法,并评估对溃疡愈合的影响以及长期使用这些治疗的影响。



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